
LikeMinds Feed SX




The LikeMinds Android Feed SX enables you to integrate personalized and engaging feeds into your Android application, enhancing user experiences and driving user engagement.
Go through this readme file to integrate Feed-SX and set up a dynamic feed into your Android application smoothly.

Getting started

1. Import Feed-SX module

Firstly, import the module into your project to get started.

  1. Clone the master branch of LikeMinds-Android-Feed-SX repository to get access to the most stable version of Feed SX.
  2. Import the feedsx module in your Android Project.
  3. Open your build.gradle file and make sure that the module is now listed under dependencies.implementation project(":feedsx")

2. Initiate LikeMindsFeedUI

Once you have imported the module, initiate the Feed UI calling LikeMindsFeedUI.initLikeMindsFeedUI() with necessary parameters. This will initate the SDK application along with your own branding.

  application,      // instance of your application
  lmUICallback,     // LMUICallback, required to get callbacks
  brandingRequest   // branding data to apply Branding

Set Branding

You can setup your own branding in the SDK by passing values of three colors (headerColor, buttonsColor, textLinkColor) and fonts for three different typefaces (regular, medium, bold).
Create a SetBrandingRequest object using SetBrandingRequest.Builder class by passing all the required parameters.
Below is the model for SetBrandingRequest.

headerColor String Header color of Application.
buttonsColor String Color of buttons in Application.
textLinkColor String Color of text links in Application.
fonts LMFonts Fonts used in Application.

Create fonts using LMFonts.Builder class by passing all the required parameters.
Below is the model for LMFonts.

bold String Path of font with bold typeface.
medium String Path of font with medium typeface.
regular String Path of font with medium regular.

LMUICallback (Optional)

Implement this callback to redirect guest user to your appropriate login screen.

interface LMUICallback {
	// This method is called when the user is not logged in or guest
  	// It is called when the user tries to perform an action that requires login
  	// The user should be redirected to your appropriate login screen
    fun login() {}

Congrats! You have successfully integrated Feed-SX in your application. Now let's inflate FeedFragment to see Feed in action.

3. Feed Fragment

Finally to see the magic of Feed inside your application, add FeedFragment navigation graph and pass the FeedExtras in arguments.


apiKey String Api key of your community.
userName String Name of the logged in user.
userId String Unique id of logged in user.