
Simple but efficient logging facility




Simple but efficient logging facility.

Include it

BFLog is available through Maven's Central Repository. If you are using Maven you just need to add the following dependency:


That's it. Maven will care about the rest. You can start using it!

Use it

To use the logger in your project just call one of the static functions

The exception parameter is optional, just in case an exception was thrown..


import de.binfalse.bflog.LOGGER;

public class SomeClass
	public function someFunction (Object o)
		if (o == null)
			LOGGER.debug ("object o is null");
			o = new RandomObject ();
			// do some stuff ("i'll read a file.");
			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (new File ("/some/file")));
			LOGGER.debug ("first line: " + br.readLine ());
			br.close ();
		catch (IOException e)
			LOGGER.error ("failed reading file", e);
		LOGGER.closeLogger ();

Initialize it

There are four log levels:


By default only warnings and errors are logged to sys::err. If that's sufficient for you

To modify the levels to log call one of the following methods:

// set min level info -> log info/warn/error
// remove level warn -> log info/error
// add level debug -> log debug/info/error
// set explicitly ony warn and debug

To also enable logging to sys::out and sys::err call:

LOGGER.setLogToStdErr (YourBoolean);
LOGGER.setLogToStdOut (YourBoolean);

Of course it is also possible to log to a file. You first need to define the file before you can start logging to that file. Don't forget to close the logger afterwards:

// tell the logger which file to use
LOGGER.setLogFile (new File ("/your/log/file"));
// enable logging to that file
LOGGER.setLogToFile (true);

[do whatever you want]

LOGGER.closeLogger ();

Advanced Usage

For those of you who aren't satisfied with the above options may create an own callback class, that implements the interface de.binfalse.bflog.LogCallback. You need to implement the public void logged (int lvl, String msg) function, which will be called in case of a log event. The level of that event as well as the log message will be provided as an argument. Just submit your object to get all log messages:

MyCallBack mcb = new MyCallBack ();
LOGGER.addCallback (mcb);

This makes it for example possible to send mails in case of errors or do some other freak stuff. An example of such a callback can be found in de.binfalse.bflog.samplecallbacks.LogCollector