
A tool for detecting and fixing non-idempotent flaky tests




NIOInspector is a specialized Maven plugin designed to identify and fix non-idempotent-outcome (NIO) flaky tests within Java projects. An NIO flaky test, by self-polluting a shared state, consistently passes in the initial run and fails in all subsequent executions within the same environment.

The plugin detects NIO tests using a custom JUnit runner that supports repeating tests in the same JVM, and then employs GPT-4 to generate a credible patch.


- Java 9 ~ 21 (Detection).
- Maven 3.5+ (Detection).
- Python 3.0+ (Test fixing).

Build (NIOInspector):

mvn clean install

Use (NIOInspector - Command-line):

Run the following command in the root directory of the target project after installing it (optional arguments: use -Dtest=${} to filter for individual test classes or methods, and use -DnumReruns to configure the number of reruns for each test):

mvn edu.illinois:NIOInspector:rerun

Use (NIOFixer - Command-line):

mvn edu.illinois:NIOInspector:collectTestInfo
mvn edu.illinois:NIOInspector:downloadFixer
python3 ${your api key} ${max token for generation} ${optional additional prompt}