
GroupDocs.Merger for .NET allows you to merge documents and manipulate document structure across most of famous document types. Merge several documents into one, split single document to multiple documents, reorder or replace document pages, change page o

GroupDocs.Merger, merger, merge, bmp, combine, csv, diagram, doc, document, docx, epub, excel, extract, file, frame, gif, html, image, join, jpeg, jpg, mhtml, note, odp, ods, one, orientation, otp, ott, page, pdf, png, powerpoint, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptx, presentation, remove, rotate, rtf, slide, splitter, split, spreadsheet, swap, tex, tif, tiff, total, tsv, txt, vdx, visio, vsdx, web, word, worksheet, xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xps, zip, tar, rar, 7z, svg, svgz, wav, mp3
npm install @groupdocs/groupdocs.merger@24.2.0