
A Node-RED node that functions as a stopwatch, capable of starting, stopping, and resetting based on incoming messages.

node-red, stopwatch, timer, time
npm install @hj91/node-red-contrib-stop-watch@1.0.1



A Node-RED node that functions as a stopwatch, capable of starting, stopping, and resetting based on incoming messages. The time is displayed in the format hh:mm:ss.


To install this node, run the following command in your Node-RED user directory (typically ~/.node-red):

npm install node-red-contrib-stop-watch


After installing, you can find the node in the "Bufferstack.IO" category within the Node-RED editor.


  • Name: The name of the node, which can be used to label it in your flows.


The node responds to messages with the following topics:

  • start: Starts the stopwatch when the payload is true.
  • stop: Stops the stopwatch when the payload is true.
  • reset: Resets the stopwatch to 00:00:00 when the payload is true.


The node outputs the current stopwatch time as a string in the format hh:mm:ss every second while running.

Potential Use Scenarios

  • Cycle Time Measurement in Manufacturing: Track the time taken for each cycle in a manufacturing process to identify bottlenecks and optimize production efficiency.
  • Task Duration Tracking in Project Management: Monitor the time spent on tasks and activities to enhance productivity and ensure project timelines are met.
  • Automation Processes: Use as part of automated workflows to measure and respond to the duration of various processes, enhancing control and precision in operations.
  • Cooking and Baking: Keep track of cooking and baking times in automated kitchen setups, ensuring consistency and quality in culinary tasks.
  • Healthcare Applications: Measure and track time-sensitive medical procedures or treatment durations to ensure adherence to protocols and improve patient care.
  • Laboratory Experiments: Monitor and record the duration of various steps in scientific experiments to ensure accuracy and reproducibility.

Example Flow

Here's an example flow demonstrating how to use the stopwatch node:



This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Created by Harshad Joshi.
