
Ember v4.0+ implementation of material design components for the web

ember-addon, material, design, ember, component, suite, style
npm install @twyr/ember-mdc-web@0.5.1


Twy'r MDC Web

Built as part of the Twy'r effort by Vish Desai and contributors



This is a monorepo used for the development and maintenance of the Ember implementation of Material Components for the Web, and consists of two packages - the Ember MDC Web Addon itself, and an Ember App for testing, debugging, documenting, and showcasing the addon.


Category Status
Conventions Conventional Commits Commitizen friendly code style: prettier lerna
Code Stats Languages GitHub repo size LoC Language grade Coverage Status
Security Known Vulnerabilities Total alerts Libraries.io dependency status for latest release, scoped npm package
Development GitHub commit activity GitHub last commit
Issues & PRs GitHub open issues GitHub closed issues GitHub open prs GitHub closed prs
Release Status GitHub package.json version GitHub tag (latest SemVer) GitHub release (latest SemVer)
Publish Status node-current npm bundle size npm


Just because...


Ember-related goals:

  1. Build for Ember 4.0+ - with no expectation of backward compatibility
  2. Build using Embroider - aim for "Native Support"

MDC Web related goals:

  1. Build using the latest release of MDC for the Web 13.0+ - with no expectation of backward compatibility
  2. Re-use MDC Javascript API for utilities (Ripples, etc.) to provide a "MDC Native" feel for the Ember components
  3. Build using the SCSS files provided by MDC Web - extend/enhance only if necessary


Code of Conduct

All contributors to this project are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct specified.


Details on getting the code, setting up the development environment, and instructions on how to extend/build/test the code are detailed in the Contribution Guide


All Contributors

This project owes its existence to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Vish Desai

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT +no-false-attribs license. You may get a copy of the license by following the link, or at LICENSE.md