
Walks arrays like a boss!

array, traverse, walk, sn0w
npm install array-walk@1.0.5




Walk arrays like a boss


npm i --save array-walk


.chop(size, array) - CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES!

const array = require('array-walk');

let test = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
let pieces = array.chop(3, test) // Chop pieces with size 3 from array "test"
/* Result: [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]*/

.map(array, iteratee, callback) - Call a function on every item

Walks your array and calls iteratee(currentItem, next) on every item.

You need to call next() in your iteratee or the loop won't continue to the next item.

After all items are processed, the callback() is called (no arguments).

Pure synctastic awesomeness!

const array = require('array-walk');

let test = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];, (item, next) => {
  console.log(`The current item is ${item}!`);
  next(); //Proceed to next item
}, () => {
  // Callback that is called after all items are walked
  console.log('Done! :)')

.splay(count, array, iteratee, callback) - Works like .map() but in parallel

.splay() walks your array with count pseudo-threads.

Every "Thread" has it's own queue with the items it will process.

After all Threads finish their work, a final callback will be executed.

let fs = require('fs');
let array = require('array-walk');

let test = [...BIG ARRAY WITH 100000 ITEMS...];

This Example checks if the current item exists 
as a file with a maximum of 25 operations at a time
array.splay(25, test, (item, next) => {
  fs.exists(item, (exists) => {
    console.log(exists ? `WOO! ${item} exists!` : `Nope. No ${item} here`);
}, () => {
  console.log('All done!');

.nsplay(array, iteratee, callback) - .splay()'s awesome brother

Walks your array in parallel with one thread for each cpu core.

let fs = require('fs');
let array = require('array-walk');

let test = [...BIG ARRAY WITH 100000 ITEMS...];

array.nsplay(test, (item) => {
  fs.exists(item, (exists) => {
    console.log(exists ? `WOO! ${item} exists!` : `Nope. No ${item} here`);

  * The value you return here will overwrite $item in $test.
  * This is a nice feature if you wan to change the values in the array after processing.
  * However if you don't want to modify something and thus don't return anything at all, 
  * the child_process will crash because paralleljs tries to send "undefined" to it.
  * I'm currently working on a solution to fix this, but until then, just return $item.
  return item;
}, () => {
  console.log('All done!');