go get




Setup dependencies

$ make setup

start the server

$ make start

API Endpoints

GET /cashier/inventory

Returns the current inventory of bank notes and coins in the cashier desk, with the value and amount of each type.

POST /cashier/purchase

Takes a JSON request body with the following parameters:

  • price: the price of the product being purchased (float)
  • payment: the total payment made by the customer (float)

Returns a JSON response with the following parameters:

  • change: the amount of change to be given to the customer (float)
  • breakdown: a list of dictionaries representing the bank notes and coins to be given to the customer, with the following keys:
    • value: the value of the bank note or coin (float)
    • amount: the number of bank notes or coins of this value to be given (int)

PUT /admin/inventory/:value/:amount

Take path with the flowwing parameters:

  • value: the value of the bank note or coin (float)
  • amount: the number of bank note or coin (int)

Returns a JSON response with the following parameters:

  • value: the value of the bank note or coin (float)
  • amount: the number of bank notes or coins of this value to be given (int)



POST /cashier/purchase
  "price": 12.50,
  "payment": 20.00


  "change": 7.50,
  "breakdown": [
      "value": 5.00,
      "amount": 1
      "value": 2.00,
      "amount": 1
      "value": 0.50,
      "amount": 1

Response Error

400 - Bad Request

  • bank notes and coins are not enough the return
  • payment shouldn't less that price
400 - Bad Request
500 - Internal Server Error
  "status": {
    "message": "bank notes and coins are not enough the return"
  "data": null


  • Accept payment method cash.
  • Displaying the current inventory of bank notes and coins on the screen for customers to see.
  • (idea) Accepting different forms of payment, such as credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payments.
  • (idea) Providing options for customers to donate their change to a charity or save it for later use.


  • A function to calculate the change money when customer pays with the cash value larger than the product price.
  • A function to update the inventory of bank notes and coins when a purchase is made or when new bank notes and coins are added to the system.
  • (idea) A function to process and validate different forms of payment, such as checking the validity of a credit card or verifying a mobile payment.
  • (idea) A function to handle donations or saving of change for later use, if these options are available. This could involve updating a database or other storage system to track the donated or saved change.

System Flow

  • The customer selects the products and proceeds to checkout.
  • The system calculates the total price of the products and displays it to the customer.
  • The customer selects the payment method and enters the payment information (cash).
  • The system processes the payment and updates the inventory accordingly.
  • If the payment is successful, the system prints the receipt and gives the change to the customer, if applicable.
  • If the payment is unsuccessful, the system displays an error message and asks the customer to try again.