
WINTER real/bogus ML models

pip install winterrb==0.1.0



WINTER real/bogus ML models, originally created by @aswinsuresh

This slimmed-down version uses pytorch rather than tensorflow.

PyPI version License: MIT

Installing the package

Using pip

pip install winterrb

From source

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • Navigate to the repository
cd winterrb
  • Create a conda environment with the required packages
conda create -n winterrb python=3.11
  • Activate the environment
conda activate winterrb
  • Install the package
pip install -e .

Training a model

You need a data directory, containing a list of training classifications in csv format, named training_data.csv, and a data containing the corresponding avro alerts used for training. Specifically, you require a directory within the data directory named train_data containing the avro alerts. Each avro alert should be named with the format <id>.avro.

You can set the data directory using the bash environment variable WINTERRB_DATA_DIR.

export WINTERRB_DATA_DIR=/path/to/data

Then you can train a model using the notebook winterdrb_pytorch.ipynb.