PHP library to fetch tweets from Twitter API v1.1 using OAuth authentication/authorization. Fetchwitter provides easy to use methods for basic functionality such as tweets or hashtag search, or fetch a user timeline feed. All you need are Twitter app key and secret to get you going.
Note: The authentication flow uses Twitter’s App-Only Authentication.
Fetchwitter can be installed using one of following methods:
Using Composer (Recommended)
Add as dependency into your composer.json
"require": {
"fetchwitter/fetchwitter": ">=1.0.8"
Use Composer to install.
$ composer install
Require/include the file into your project
require 'path/to/vendor/fetchwitter/autoload.php'
Basic Example
The instance initialization automatically fetches the access token using OAuth flow and makes it available to the class. An existing access token can also be set manually as follow.
The configuration arguments can be passed as string, indexed array or associative array. Basically 2 arguments are required that are API Key and Secret. If you already have an access token you can optionally pass it as third parameter to bypass the automatic OAuth flow and make API calls using your access token. Here is a very basic example to start with.
Pass arguments as associative array:
$config = array(
'api_key' => 'API_KEY',
'api_secret' => 'API_SECRET',
'access_token' => 'ACCESS_TOKEN', // optional
try {
$fw = new Fetchwitter($config);
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
or pass arguments as indexed array:
$config = array( 'API_KEY', 'API_SECRET', 'ACCESS_TOKEN' /* optional */ );
try {
$fw = new Fetchwitter($config);
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
or pass arguments as strings:
try {
$fw = new Fetchwitter( 'API_KEY', 'API_SECRET', 'ACCESS_TOKEN' /* optional */ );
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Configuration & Initialization
- Register a new app at Twitter Application Manager and get API key and secret.
- Initialize a new instance of Fetchwitter as explained above.
- Make API requests as exampled below:
Make any GET request i.e. fetch user timeline
$fw->get('statuses/user_timeline', array(
'count' => 2,
'screen_name' => 'jabranr'
Search tweets with a hashtag
$fw->get('search/tweets', array(
'count' => 2,
'q' => '#TwitterAPI',
'result_type' => 'recent'
Once a valid instance of Fetchwitter is created, it automatically goes through an App-Only Authentication and gets a valid access_token
from Twitter API or returns appropriate error message in case of failure.
The method will throw an Exception in case of any missing parameters or returns error message from API in JSON format otherwise.
Following methods are available for a valid and successfully established connection with API.
Helper method Use toTweet( $text )
method to convert the static Tweet to formatted Tweet with Mentions, Hashtags and Links properly linked. The method takes the Tweet in string format as parameter and returns a formatted Tweet.
$tweet = $fetchwitter->toTweet( string $tweet );
Static Tweet as it comes from the API feed:
This is a #test tweet by @jabranr to confirm methods from #Fetchwitter. More at
Formatted Tweet using toTweet()
This is a #test tweet by @jabranr to confirm methods from #Fetchwitter. More at
A JavaScript version is also available.
I made this library just for learning purpose and have been improving it. A lot of inspiration has come from Abraham's comprehensive TwitterOAuth library. If you need a complete Twitter API support then please use Abraham's library instead.
Issues reporting/tracking
In order to contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch
- Once you are ready then make a pull request
MIT License -
© @jabranr - 2014-2-15