
Hover Captions (here in after: HCaptions) is a jQuery plugin that enables you to display caption overlays with cool effects over images, div's, ect..

bower install HCaptions


Hover Captions (HCaptions)

Hover Captions (here in after: HCaptions) is a jQuery plugin that enables you to display caption overlays with cool effects over images, div's, ect..

Demo Site

Initialize plugin


Example markup

This example uses the data-target attribute to target the content:

<a href="#" data-target="#myToggle" class="hcaption"><img src="img/cupcakes.png"></a>
<div id="myToggle" class="hide">
  <h5>Example Image</h5>

Magic attributes

With magic attributes you can override the settings for individual captions. A magic attribute is a attribute prepended with cap- for example to override the effect you would use cap-effect="fade"

Example magic attribute markup
<a href="#" data-target="#myToggle" class="hcaption" cap-effect="fade" cap-height="200"><img src="img/cupcakes.png"></a>
<div id="myToggle" class="hide">
  <h5>Example Image</h5>


Name Type Description Default
data_selector string Selector for caption content .cap-overlay
width integer Overlay width full width
height integer Overlay height full height
overlay_x string Horizontal position for the overlay [center, left, right] center
overlay_y string Vertical position for the overlay [center, top, bottom] center
overlay_bg string Background css for overlay inherits
overlay_opacity integer Opacity of overlay 1
effect string Effect for overlay [fade, slide, show/hide] slide
speed integer Animation speed in ms 400
direction string Direction of overlay [top, bottom, right, left] top
zindex integer Base Z-Index 2
onshow function Callback fired when caption is shown none
onhide function Callback fired when caption is hidden none