Learn the following in order to accomplish your task:
Npm https://www.npmjs.org/doc/
Grunt http://gruntjs.com/
Bower http://bower.io/
Mocha test http://mochajs.org/
Travis http://docs.travis-ci.com/
Create git repo (e.g. github.com/[:name]/mdlinkparser
Write JavaScript code that can take a string (from a given markdown file) as an argument and return as an array of every link: function findLinks(markdown) { // Array of all links you find var links = []; // parse markdown and find all links, adding them to the links array...
return links; }
Publish as NPM module
Publish as bower module
Write Grunt task that does JSHint checking
Add mocha unit test with a couple of tests and use grunt to run the test
Connected with Travis to run those tests
Bonus point for building demo using requirejs and style with LESS on gh-pages (Github pages e.g. name.github.io/mdlinkparser)
Bonus point for creating node command line tools that takes file path as an argument and print all the links