
ContentEditable + Markdown mashup

angular, markdown, contenteditable, quiver
bower install angular-markdown-editable



Markdown is awesome. ContentEditable is awesome. How about we display the parsed markdown, but let users edit the base markdown on focus?


You'll need to use three directives to make full use of this module.

ng-model is required, and contenteditable="true" should be there to activate both native contentEditable functionality as well as the additional contenteditable directive included in this module, which wires up ngModel to contenteditable changes.

Finally, add markdown-editable to have markdown parsed as html in non-focused states and parsed as text in focused states. A typical implementation looks like this:

<div id="markdown-area" ng-model="markdownText" markdown-editable contenteditable="true">{{ markdownText }}</div>

where $scope.markdownText = "# This is an h1. \n## This is an h2. \n- This is a line item\n- This is a second line item\n\nThis is a new paragraph\n\n# Another h1";... or any valid markdown text that you like.


If you'd like to change the target attribute for links in your markdown, try something like the following:

<div markdown-editable target="_blank" class="markdown" ng-model="post.markdown"></div>

Setting the target attribute on the markdown-editable directive will copy that attribute to all anchor tags.


  1. Install dependencies with bower install and npm install.
  2. Make sure you have grunt-cli... npm install -g grunt-cli.
  3. Run tests with grunt test.