Angular module to normalize and denormalize Salesforce fields and object names.
Download the .js
file from the dist folder or use Bower
$ bower install angular-normalize-salesforce --save
After including the dist file into your project you have to add the module as a dependency to your Angular project module:
angular.module('myModule', ['angular-normalize-salesforce'])
The normalizeSalesforce
service offers 3 main methods:
. It removes __c from the string, or all strings in the array. Ifpart
is an object, all keys are normalized. -
denormalize(part, sObject)
Also supportsstring
. Needs the name of the sObject as a parameter to denormalize only custom fields and keep standard fields plain. -
Supports only a plainstring
. Adds __c to the given name, if the object is not a standard object.
This is a separate function to allow custom fields with the name of a standard object (e.g.Account__c
In order to support all Salesforce standard objects, all standard fields have to be defined in the source code. We currently support all standard objects from API v34.0
angular.module('myModule', ['angular-normalize-salesforce']);
.factory('exampleFactory', ['normalizeSalesforce', function (normalizeSalesforce) {
var sObject = {
'Field1__c': 'value1',
'field2__c': 'value2',
'ns__Field1__c': 'value3',
'Name': 'value4'
* Should return
* {
* 'field1': 'value1',
* 'field2': 'value2',
* 'ns_field1': 'value3',
* 'name': 'value4'
* }
var object = {
'field1': 'value1',
'ns__field2': 'value2',
'name': 'value3'
* Should return
* {
* 'field1__c': 'value1',
* 'ns__field2__c': 'value2',
* 'name': 'value3'
* }
console.log(normalizeSalesforce.denormalize(object, 'CustomObject__c'));
return 'yeah :)';
- Install Node.js and NPM
- Install global dev dependencies:
npm install -g gulp
- Install local dev dependencies:
npm install
- Build the whole project with
DEBUG.pbJSRestConnector.client.apiVersion = "v37.0"
allObjects = []{allObjects = cb})
allObjectsLowercased = _(allObjects.sobjects).filter({custom: false}).map('name').map(function(name){return name.toLowerCase()}).value()
standardFields = {}
_(allObjectsLowercased).each(function(objectName){DEBUG.pbJSRestConnector.describe(objectName,function(cb){standardFields[objectName] = _(cb.fields).filter({custom:false}).map('name').map(function(name){return name.toLowerCase()}).value()})}).value()
_(newData).each(function(value, key){if (!_.has(original, key)) {original[key] = value } else {_.each(value,function(field){if (!_.contains(original[key], field)) {original[key].push(field) } }) } }).value()