Basic angular module that acts as an wrapper for notify.js
Bower install method (see below) will install last two dependencies if missing.
####First Step####
Get the code via git method
or bower method
bower install angular-notifyjs
(please note that with bower, angular and notifyjs will be installed if not found)
####Second step####
Include the javascript files in your projects
<script src="bower_components/notifyjs/dist/notify.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/notifyjs/dist/styles/bootstrap/notify-bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-notifyjs/angular-notifyjs.js"></script>
####Third step####
Add angular-notifyjs module in your angular app
angular.module('myAppName', ['notifyjs'])
####Global notification####
Inject notifyjs
in your controllers or services
.controller('myController', function ($scope, notifyjs) {
notifyjs("Hello there", "success");
####Element notification####
Add attribute notifyjs
in your HTML element
<button notifyjs="Hello from the right!" notify-on="click" notify-class="success" notify-pos="right" type="button">Example/button>
Use attribute notifyjs
for the notification message
Use supportive attribute notify-on
for the event trigger (defaults to click)
Use supportive attribute notify-class
for the notification class
Use supportive attribute notify-pos
for the position of the notification
Detailed API of notifyjs can be found here
- Improve (include notifyjsProvider usage)
- Add basic API interface to notify service.
- Implement notifyjs directive