
Collection of angular services for token-based authentication.

angular, token, auth, authentication, resource
bower install angular-token-authentication


Angular token authentication are services for handling token-based authentication as a client-side session with automatic (optional) handling of REST resources in angular apps. It supports the usage of jwt tokens. It is divided in two modules.



  • sessionDuration: duration of the session (in minutes). A falsy value (0, false) means the session will not be forced to expire (it will expire when/if token expires instead). Default: 0
  • idleTime: duration of the session while idle (in minutes). A falsy value (0, false) means the session will not expire by idle time. Default: 0
  • accessTokenKey: access token key for calls to the API (necessary for resource authentication in tokenAuthResource). Default: 'accessToken'
  • jwt: if tokens should be treated as jwt tokens for the purposes of expiration handling.
  • refreshToken: whether a refresh token should be used automatically with the tokenAuthResource service after token expiration.
  • refreshTokenRequest: http request config object for requesting refresh tokens. Usage of the [$http service] ($http#usage) applies except for the data property, it being a function of the refresh token. Refer to the example implementation for clarification.


tokenAuthentication (module)

sessionHandler (service)

Handles the session values and their expiration.

API is as follows:


  • key: String (required)

Returns a defined session value.

setValue(key, value, remember)

  • key: String (required)
  • value: * (will be converted to String, required)
  • remember: Boolean. Determines whether or not the value is remembered after the session is terminated.

Stores a value in the session. If the value is the first to be set in an empty session it will start both expiration clocks. If the value's key is 'accessToken' it will emit the 'tokenAuth::loggedIn'event.


  • data: Object (required). A hash of key/values to store in the session, like follows:
  key: {
    value: "value",
    remember: true
  other: "otherValue" // will not be remembered

Calls setValue()on each key/value pair.

setAccessToken(token, remember)

Same as calling setValue("accessToken", token, remember)


Same as calling getValue("accessToken")


  • force: Boolean. Whether or not to force the removal of remembered values.

Remove session's values. If the access token is removed, emits 'tokenAuth::loggedOut' event. Conversely, a 'tokenAuth:logout' event on the rootScope will trigger a call to it.


Sets the session's expiration time to sessionDuration minutes from now. Called on setValue() for first value of empty session.


Checks on the session's expiration time. If the expiration time is met or exceeded, calls clean() and returns true. Otherwise returns false.


Sets the idle timer to idleTime minutes from now.

tokenAuthResource (module)

Optional module to include automatic REST resource authentication management. It depends on angular-resource and tokenAuthentication.

tokenAuthResource (service)

A wrapped version of the angular-resource constructor that automatically attaches the session's access token to each resource request (be it from standard or custom actions), with the API key defined in the accessTokenKey parameter.



bower install angular-token-authentication --save

Include the files, load the modules on the app and set parameters:

<!--if using jwt-->
<script src="bower_components/angular-jwt/dist/angular-jwt.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-token-authentication/angular-token-authentication.js"></script>
angular.module("AppModule", ["tokenAuthResource"]) //should be enough to load both modules (it depends on tokenAuthentication)
  .value("tokenAuthParams", {


angular.module("AppModule", ["tokenAuthentication"]) // if you just want to use the sessionHandler
  .value("tokenAuthParams", {

Afterwards it is simply a matter of using the sessionHandler on a controller to set the access token and possibly other values after a request to the API login endpoint. After that, using tokenAuthResource exactly as you would $resource will automatically append the access token for resource requests. If the token is found to be expired before the request, the session will be wiped and 'tokenAuth:loggedOut' will be triggered instead.