
Annihilate YAML front matter.

yfm, yaml front matter, front matter, remove, strip
bower install antimatter


antimatter NPM version

Annihilate YAML front matter.

Getting Started

To install the module with npm, run the following in the command line:

npm i antimatter --save

To install with bower, run:

bower install antimatter --save

Use within your application with the following line of JavaScript:

var antimatter = require('antimatter');


custom delimiters

Type: String

Default: {close: '---', open: '---'}

Open and close delimiters can be a string or an array of strings. If an array of strings is passed for a delimiter then all patterns supplied will be used to check for YAML front matter.

For example, this:

  close: '~~~',
  open: '~~~'

Would strip this from files:

title: I'm still front-matter
description: Tilde's are people too!

<h1>Not me though, I wouldn't be stripped.</h1>

Example usage

var file = require('fs-utils')
var antimatter = require('antimatter');
var glob = require('globule');

var globOpts = {
  ext: '.html',
  srcBase: 'templates',
  destBase: 'foo',
  matchBase: true,

glob.findMapping('**/*.html', globOpts).map(function(fp) {
  var src = file.readFileSync(fp.src);
  file.writeFileSync(fp.dest, antimatter(src));

Jon Schlinkert


  • helpers: some great handlebars helpers that we decided not to include in the handlebars-helpers project, most likely because the code footprint was too big or the helper wasn't generic enough.


Copyright (c) 2014 Jon Schlinkert, contributors. Released under the MIT license