AutobahnJS - Browser build
This repository contains the built and released browser versions of AutobahnJS ready for use in your project.
Using plain
Copy the autobahn.min.js file to your Web server. Done.
You can also use the autobahn.min.jgz compressed version, but then need to make sure your Web server sets the required HTTP headers on responses delivering the file to a browser:
Content-Type: application/javascript
Content-Encoding: gzip
Using with npm
The browser version is published to npm under the name autobahn-browser. Install with:
npm install autobahn-browser
Note: the NodeJS version of Autobahn continues to be published under the name autobahn.
Using with Bower
Install with bower:
bower install autobahn
Add a <script>
tag to your index.html
<script src="/bower_components/autobahnjs/autobahn.min.js"></script>
To list available versions of AutobahnJS:
bower info autobahn