
An AngularJS module that will help you create better UX by allowing you to provide an unmasking password option on any form

angularjs, password, mask, unmask, chimpanz, angular
bower install chimpMask


Mask Unmask

This AngularJS module will help you create a better UX by allowing you to provide an unmasking password option on any form you like!

Key Features

  • User login & signup: This module lets you easily create an unmasking password option for your login and signup forms. This then allows you to streamline forms and remove common typo errors on passwords.
  • Validations: Validations are simply added to your password input and still bind through ng-messages or any other service you may use. Custom Directive Validations also work.
  • ngModel: Binds back to any controller you may have setup through ng-model. This allows two-way binding as if you created the input yourself!



Download the repo and add manually to your project


bower install chimpMask



Quick start guide

Add module dependency and configure it

angular.module('yourApp', ['chimpMask'])

Displaying the input


Configuration on input

<mask-unmask mask-model="bind.controller.resource" mask-class="'CSS STYLES'" mask-holder="'Your Placeholder Text'" mask-name="inputName" mask-attrs="validation-attribute"></mask-unmask>

Multiple classes, placeholder text, multiple validation attributes .

Currently if you require any of these you will need to escape the content inside the double quotes with single quotes.

  • Currently looking for ways to improve this functionality.