Regular expression for matching JavaScript comments
This is pretty fragile and created for performance reasons where using a real parser would be overkill.
npm install comment-regex
import {commentRegex} from 'comment-regex';
// Contains a comment
commentRegex().test('/* unicorn */\nvar foo = true;');
//=> true
// Get the contents of a comment
commentRegex().exec('/* unicorn */\nvar foo = true;')[2].trim();
// Get all the comments
'/* unicorn */\nvar foo = true;\nvar unicorn = "rainbows"; // rainbow'.match(commentRegex());
//=> ['/* unicorn */', ' // rainbow']
The contents of the comment is in the first submatch.
Returns a regex for matching line and block comments.
Returns a regex for matching line comments.
Returns a regex for matching block comments.
If you run the regex against untrusted user input in a server context, you should give it a timeout.
I do not consider ReDoS a valid vulnerability for this package.