
Provides easy dependency injection through named function parameters, similar to AngularJS

ioc, di, angular, angularjs, framework
bower install dingu



dingu is an angularjs-style dependency injection framework for JavaScript that makes it easy to define modules, singletons and constants. All dependencies are resolved on demand, freeing you from loading your code in any particular order.


  • Bring in dependencies simply by naming them as a function parameter
  • Load your javascript files in any arbitrary order
  • Store singleton instances
  • Store constant values like settings and magic numbers
  • Protects against circular dependencies
  • Can be locked to prevent further changes at runtime.

How It Works

Example 1: ModuleA depends on ModuleB

dingu.module('ModuleA', function(ModuleB) {
  return {
    doSomething: function() {
      return 'Hi from ModuleA (' + ModuleB.doSomething() + ')';

dingu.module('ModuleB', function() {
  return {
    doSomething: function() {
      return 'Hi from ModuleB';

Next we'll ask dingu for an instance of ModuleA and call the doSomething method.

var a = dingu.get('ModuleA');

Example 2: Using Singletons

dingu lets you define a module that will only initialise once, and always return the same instance back. Any dependencies it needs will be resolved and injected the first time it's created.

dingu.singleton('OneOnly', function() {
  var counter = 0;
  return {
    nextID: function() {
      counter += 1;
      return counter;

console.log(dingu.get('OneOnly').nextID() === 1); // true
console.log(dingu.get('OneOnly').nextID() === 2); // true

Example 3: Storing Constant Values

Use dingu to store settings, magic numbers and other common values and include them in your modules by name.

// Store a string
dingu.value('apiUrl', 'http://foo.com/api');

// or an object - dingu isn't fussy
dingu.value('systemInfo', {
  apiVersion: '1.2',
  token: 'aab23510' 

// And then have them ready in your module
dingu.module('apiClient', function(apiUrl, systemInfo) {
  // profit!

Download and Install

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Project Information




  • MIT