
Documentation for network performance metrics.

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Network Metrics

Documentation for network performance metrics.



The total number of bytes received by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type


The total number of bytes transmitted by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type


The total number of loss-of-carrier-signal events detected by the device driver. If this value is high, especially when it has only been active for a short time, it means the connection is going up and down a lot. This can be caused by problems either on the device, the device on the other end, or a faulty ethernet cable plugged in to the device.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG errors raw count


The number of packet collisions detected when transmitting. Packet collisions occur when multiple devices use a shared resource (such as an ethernet cable) to transmit a packet at the same time. Frequent packet collisions degrade network performance.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG collisions raw count


Number of compressed packets received by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG packets raw count


Number of compressed packets sent by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG packets raw count


Number of packets dropped and otherwise not received by a network interface. This means that your system is unable to process incoming packets fast enough, overwhelming its buffer, or there is an issue in your cabling leading to packet loss.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG packets raw count


Number of packets dropped by a network interface. This means that your system is unable to process outgoing packets fast enough, overwhelming its buffer.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG packets raw count


Number of malformed packets received by a network interface. Errors are typically caused by bursts of traffic causing overloads, a speed/duplex mismatch with the connecting port on the other end, or a large number of security rules.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG errors raw count


Number of errors detected by a network interface when transmitting. Errors are typically caused by bursts of traffic causing overloads, a speed/duplex mismatch with the connecting port on the other end, or a large number of security rules.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG errors raw count


The number of receiving queue errors detected by a network interface. This is often caused by receiving more packets than the computer can process, leading to buffer overflows.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG errors raw count


The number of transmitting queue errors detected by a network interface. This is often caused by trying to send more packets than the network connection can handle, leading to buffer overflows.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG errors raw count


Number of packets received by an interface with framing errors. This is often a physical issue (faulty cables or bad Network Interface Card), though it may be caused by mismatched duplex settings.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG errors raw count


Number of multicast frames received by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG frames raw count


Number of packets received by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG packets raw count


Number of packets transmitted by a network interface.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG packets raw count


Percentage of a network interface's maximum bandwidth being used for receiving packets.

Note: The data received is reported in bytes while bandwidth is in megabits per second, so some conversion is necessary to ensure the units match.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 1 utilization derived percentage


Percentage of a network interface's maximum bandwidth being used for transmitting packets.

Note: The data transmitted is reported in bytes while bandwidth is in megabits per second, so some conversion is necessary to ensure the units match.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 1 utilization derived percentage


Average percentage of the maximum bandwidth across all interfaces (except loopback) being used for receiving packets.

Note: The data received is reported in bytes while bandwidth is in megabits per second, so some conversion is necessary to ensure the units match.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 1 utilization derived percentage


Average percentage of the maximum bandwidth across all interfaces (except loopback) being used for transmitting packets.

Note: The data transmitted is reported in bytes while bandwidth is in megabits per second, so some conversion is necessary to ensure the units match.

Min Max Units Metric Type Data Type
0 1 utilization derived percentage


To contribute to this documentation, see the contributing guide. Any updates to the documentation should be tagged.

$ git tag -a <major.minor.patch> -m "[UPDATE] version."
$ git push origin <major.minor.patch>

Use semantic versioning (semvar) for communicating versions.

  • Any new metrics should be communicated as minor updates.
  • Any corrections/value modifications should be patches.
  • Any documentation restructuring (changing field names, removing fields, etc) should be communicated as a major update.


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$ bower install doc-metrix-network

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