
Make your browser's life easier

dom, pool
bower install dom-pool



Let your app focus on rendering 60fps. Avoid creating & GC'ing DOM nodes on the fly.

How to use

// Grab the library from NPM or Bower.
var Pool = require('dom-pool');

// Create a new Pool for a specific DOM tagName, like "div".
var divPool = new Pool({
  tagName: 'div'

// Pools have an Array-like syntax: "pop" & "push".
var div = divPool.pop();

// ... let's imagine doing awesome stuff with the DIV ...

// Once you're done with the DIV, return it to the Pool with "push".

// Next time "pop" is called, your app can efficiently reuse the DIV.

// To create DIVs ahead of time, use the "allocate" method.

Custom namespaces

// SVG is also supported.
// We just need to specify its namespace.
var circlePool = new Pool({
  namespace: '',
  tagName: 'circle'

// Let's allocate 128 circles.

What performance gains can I expect?

Reusing DOM elements is 2-6 times faster than creating DOM elements.


Now is this performance totally free? Not exactly. When you create a DOM element, it's like a blank slate. When you reuse a DOM element, it keeps the attributes you've given it. However, if you're going to be updating those same attributes anyways, it's basically free.

What browsers are supported?

Modern browsers & IE9+. If you're sticking to HTML nodes then IE5+ is supported. The reason being, IE added support for createElementNS in version 9.

Screenshots of dom-pool in use, with Chrome DevTools

Note the DOM node count over time.

Pooling DOM nodes

Creating DOM nodes

Available on NPM & Bower

npm install dom-pool
bower install dom-pool