Aloha Editor - The HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor
New Documentation
We're currently writing new new guides. You can find these at /doc/guides/output and on our website:
For help there is:
- the Aloha Editor wiki for end-users and implementors
the Aloha Editor guides for developers
the issues tracker for developer support requests
- the support forum for end-user and implementor support requests
- IRC #alohaeditor @ (We are there every Wednesday 9:00 to 18:00 GMT+1)
To get updates you can:
- Subscribe to GitHub updates by clicking the "watch" button up the top right of this page.
- Subscribe to RSS feed updates for the dev branch and/or master branch
Repository Directory Structure
- /bin - Build scripts
- /build - Build configuration
- /doc
- /doc/api - The API documentation
- /doc/guides - This document
- /vendor - Vendor source code. (e.g. ExtJS, require-js, jquery)
- /target - Build output folder
- /src
- /src/css - Aloha core css files
- /src/demo - Aloha demos
- /src/img - Aloha core images
- /src/lib - Require plugins and bootstrap files
- /src/lib/aloha - Main Aloha Editor core sources
- /src/lib/vendor - Vendor source code. E.g. ExtJS, jquery
- /src/lib/util - Utility sources. (e.g. json2.js, class.js)
- /src/plugins
- /src/plugins/common - Common plugin bundle
- /src/plugins/extra - Extra plugin bundle
- /src/test - QUnit tests
- Subscribe to RSS feed updates for the dev branch and/or master branch