Basic lib for downloading additional JS and CSS. Used to show the first (skeletal) browser page in under 1 sec.
First page loading in under 1 second.
Advances in Internet technology like widespread broadband access have made the Web much faster over the years, and now it's mobile's turn. Google is now recommending webmasters try to get their pages to load in just one second on mobile devices as a way to keep people from leaving due to waiting too long.
When it comes to 3G or 4G mobile traffic, speeds plummet. That's where Google's recommendations could come in handy. You can see the details here.
Of immediate interest to us is:
Due to this TCP behavior, it is important to optimize your content to minimize the number of roundtrips required to deliver the necessary data to perform the first render of the page. Ideally, the ATF [above the fold] content should fit under 14KB - this allows the browser to paint the page after just one roundtrip.
This very small lib lets you start downloading your main CSS, JS and template files after the initial 14k payload is delivered.
How to install
bower install first-page-loader
bower install git://
How to use
1. Wait till async dependencies have been loaded
The script-injected pattern now offers no benefits over < script async > even for IE8/9 and Android 2.3/2.2. However script async makes no guarantee about execution order, so the script-injection pattern can be used to manage dependencies.
For example, you can download jQuery using script async without delaying rendering of the first page. You can then download any modules dependant on jQuery once the page is rendered. The result is that your page will be fully ready sooner.
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
PJAX.waitTill(conditions, handler);
function conditions () {
return typeof $ !== 'undefined'; // check for any number or type of conditions
is called when jQuery has been downloaded, parsed
and its global $
is defined.
2. Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded.
PJAX.onReady( handler );
This is similar to what $( document ).ready( handler )
would do if jQuery was loaded.
is called when all assets such as images have been completely
received. Therefore it does not delay the initial render of the page.
3. Load JavaScript files sequentially.
], handler);
Each JavaScript file is loaded and parsed before the next file is downloaded, so dependencies are respected.
The optional handler
is called once all the files have loaded successfully.
4. Load other script files, such as templates, sequentially.
], 'text/template', handler);
Use any mime type you want.
5. Initiate loading of CSS files in parallel.
6. Load CSS files sequentially.
], handler);
The order in which CSS files are loaded can be meaningful. The last-specified
selector is used when multiple selectors have the same
importance, i.e. !important
, and
It turns out a cross-browser solution for this is harder than it should be.
7. Load files in parallel.
You can load JavaScript, CSS and template files in parallel if you need to, using a pattern such as:
PJAX.onReady(function () {
// Load 3 streams of files in parallel
var asyncRemaining = 3;
], function () { if (!--asyncRemaining) {doOnceAllLoaded();} }
], 'text/template',
function () { if (!--asyncRemaining) {doOnceAllLoaded();} }
// Load individual files during development.
], function () { if (!--asyncRemaining) {doOnceAllLoaded();} }
// Once all files have loaded
function doOnceAllLoaded () {
$.pjax({url: '/signin', container: '#pjax-container'});
Copyright (c) 2014 John Szwaronek ( Distributed under the MIT license. See for details.