is an Sass-powered version of Little Spark's Flatstrap, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
It is based on the work by Thomas McDonald on bootstrap-sass.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2'
gem 'flatstrap-sass', '~>'
flatstrap-sass use the Font Awesome Rails gem to provide the glyphicons support. Add the gem if you want to use the icons in your projects:
gem 'font-awesome-rails'
bundle install
and restart your server to make the files available.
In your application.css.scss file:
@import "flatstrap";
If you are using the font-awesome-rails, add also the require or import command to your application.css.scss (more info at the font-awesome-rails doc):
*= require font-awesome
@import "font-awesome";
You can include the Bootstrap javascripts through two methods. In this case, Sprocket's //= require
directives are useful, since there is no better alternative.
We have a helper that includes all available javascripts:
// Loads all Bootstrap javascripts
//= require bootstrap
You can also load individual modules, provided you sort out any related dependencies.
//= require bootstrap-scrollspy
//= require bootstrap-modal
//= require bootstrap-dropdown
All the credits goes to Thomas McDonald and his fantastic job with bootstrap-sass. For further documentation, consult its page.