A Flight component for rendering Handlebars templates with handlebars.js.
bower install --save flight-handlebars
String templates
Instantiate the Handlebars component.
var handlebarsComponent = require('flight-handlebars/lib/handlebars_helper');
Use the with_handlebars
define(function (require) {
var defineComponent = require('flight/lib/component');
var withHandlebars = require('flight-handlebars/lib/with_handlebars');
return defineComponent(myComponent, withHandlebars);
function myComponent() {
this.after('initialize', function () {
var helloWorld = this.renderTemplate({
template: 'Hello, {{name}}!',
renderParams: {
name: 'World'
Pre-compiled templates
You can pass a hash of compiled templates as an option to the component.
define(function (require) {
var precompiledTemplates = require('templates/compiled');
var handlebarsComponent = require('flight-handlebars/lib/handlebars_helper');
handlebarsComponent.attachTo(document, {
precompiledTemplates: precompiledTemplates
define(function (require) {
var defineComponent = require('flight/component');
var withHandlebars = require('flight-handlebars/lib/with_handlebars');
return defineComponent(myComponent, withHandlebars);
function myComponent() {
this.after('initialize', function () {
var helloWorld = this.renderTemplate({
templateName: 'hello_world',
renderParams: {
name: 'World'
Development of this component requires Bower, and preferably Karma to be globally installed:
npm install -g bower karma
Then install the Node.js and client-side dependencies by running the following commands in the repo's root directory.
npm install
bower install
To continuously run the tests in Chrome and Firefox during development, just run:
karma start
Contributing to this project
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing. This project is heavily based off of flight-mustache by Nicolas Gallagher.