
Sassy CSS framework. Work in progress, stay tuned!

sass, scss, css, frame, framework, grid, media query, breakpoints, effects, shapes, iconfont
bower install frame-scss



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Sassy CSS framework

Includes functions/mixins for media queries/breakpoints, flexible responsive grids, effects and shapes. Also included are some functions/mixins to more easily debug your own custom Sass :)

Main features

  • Easy configuration of media queries and breakpoints. Set them the way you want or need them.
  • 10, 11 or 12 columns? It doesn't matter, you define the widths and how each column reacts to different breakpoints.
  • Cool transition mixin! Just define the easing, time and delay properties in the main _concrete.scss settings file and you're ready to go. Now all your transitions automatically have the same default properties. You can even create multiple groups for different transitions if you need them.
  • Lots of type check functions, sort functions, and more list/map related functions!
  • Includes normalize.css v3.0.3 and more useful style classes.
  • Some basic shapes and effects, such as hexagons, triangles, gradients and fancy text shadows.
  • Extended debug functions and mixins. Output variables in the console or the compiled CSS to see what their actual values are. This makes developing your own stuff even easier :)


Either download the latest release or install with Bower:

bower install --save concrete

How to use

  1. Copy the main.scss, _concrete.scss and _concrete-basics.scss files into your project folder.
  2. Update the @import rules so they point to the right file(s) in the src/ folder of this package.
  3. Change the default values of the settings variables in _concrete.scss so it suits your project.
  4. You can rename main.scss to whatever you want and place your own custom CSS/SCSS in this file.

All main variables and settings are placed in _concrete.scss. Here you can add colors, fonts, breakpoints, or custom variables specific for you project. Now, if you need any of these values, just call the appropiate function. Check the SassDoc documentation in the sassdoc/ folder for all available functions. You can rename main.scss to whatever you want. This file is only used as a small starter for your project.

Please note that removing any of the $concrete- prefixed variables will break the framework.

In _concrete-basics.scss you can remove (by adding comments) any predefined style classes wich you don't plan to use. This will keep the compiled CSS file cleaner and smaller.

If you plan to use the grid system or the predefined icon fonts functions, you must also copy the _concrete-grid.scss and _concrete-iconfont.scss files to your project folder. Don't forget to update the @import rules for these files too ;)

What's included

Within the package you'll find the following folder structure:

├── docs/
├── examples/
│   ├── css/
│   └── scss/
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── core/
│   └── partials/
├── test/
├── _concrete-basics.scss
├── _concrete-grid.scss
├── _concrete-iconfont.scss
├── _concrete.scss
└── main.scss

All framework related sources files are located in the src/ folder. It is recommended to check the source to see how the framework works from the inside.

In examples/ and examples/scss/ you'll find some basic usage examples. The folder examples/css/ contains the CSS files wich are compiled from the SCSS files in the examples/scss/ folder.

The documentation is generated with SassDoc. Just open the docs/index.html file the see a description and wich arguments are expected per function.

Pretty much all functions and mixins have tests in the test/ dir. Tests are performed with True and Mocha.


GPL-2.0+ © 2014-2015 Roel Schut