
A lightweight utility library for animating CSS properties on scroll

scroll, animation, skroll, parallax, javascript, spritesheet, css3
bower install gloryScroll



Hola! I am a lightweight utility library for animating CSS properties on scroll.

I can also animate a sprite sheets on scroll, just set the sprite property to true.

I rely on jQuery to do my thing.


<!-- Include js plugin -->
<script src="scripts/jQuery.gloryScroll.js"></script>


Example 1: Animate opacity, fading out element when page is 500px from top.

$('el').gloryScroll({ start: 0, stop: 500, attribute: 'opacity', startVal: '1.0', stopVal: '0.0' });

Example 2: Animate 3D transform, moving element down slowly as you scroll, similar to the headline effect.

$('el').gloryScroll({ start: 0, stop: 600, attribute: 'transform', startVal: 'translate3D( 0px, 0px, 0px )', stopVal: 'translate3D( 0px, 150px, 0px )' });

Example 3: Animate a sprite sheet when scrolling.

$('el').gloryScroll({ start: 0, stop: 500, sprite: true, spriteFrames: '16', spriteHeight: '2000' });


    attribute     : 'top',  // CSS attribute type
    start         : 0,      // px from top to start the animation
    stop          : 200,    // px from top to stop the animation
    startVal      : 100,    // CSS property value at the start of of scrolling area
    stopVal       : 200,    // CSS property value at the end of the scrolling area
    sprite        : false,  // (Optional) Set to true if sprite is to be animated
    spriteFrames  : 16,     // (Optional) Sprite frames
    spriteHeight  : 1985    // (Optional) Height of sprite image (px)
    updateRate    : 10      // (Optional) Updaterate (in ms) on scroll


  • When animating multiple values, make sure you leave a space before each value, example: translate3D( 0px, 32px, 0px); and not translate3D(0px,32px,0px);
  • There's probably a hundred tools that does this better, but this is what i use for my projects when i need to jazz things up a little, and it has served me well so far. This is why I am sharing it here.
  • Touch device support is a no-go at the moment.

Some performance tips

Taken from Dave Gamache's article on parallax performance.

  • Only use properties that are cheap for browsers to animate. Those are, more or less: translate3d, scale, rotation and opacity. Anything else and you’re probably not going to be running at 60fps.
  • Animate only absolutely and fixed position elements. (See article for explanation)
  • Avoid background-size:cover unless you’re sure it’s not affecting performance. (See article for explanation)