
Javascript object to do complex queries into array of objects in a simple way!

query, data, processing, search, select, update, delete
bower install goquery


GO Query!

Build Status Bower Module npm version Bitdeli Badge


GO Query! is a javascript library to execute queries into array of objects. You can perorm a SELECT, UPDATE or REMOVE into your array based on the objects and filters.


Latest development version: source file

Latest production version: minified

Why use it?

Sometimes, you just want to search into a array of objects in a simple way, but with more complex filters, avoiding to do a request to the server and wait for server response time and network transfer time.

Where can I use it?

Well, you can use in client-side, but you can use it in server side too (nodejs, commonjs).



How can I use?

Well, let's suppose we have a array of 'users' and need to find all who are older than 20 years or have the first name John and works on company ACME

var query = new GO.Query(objArray);
query = query.select("*")
                 new GO.Filter("age", GO.op.GTE, 21)
                       .or("name", GO.op.LIKE, /^John/)
                       .and("company.name", GO.op.EQ, "ACME")

var result = query.run();

Using with Node.js?

first intall via npm

npm install goquery

... and import the module

var GO = require("goquery");

var q = new GO.Query(data);

More details?

See the API


If you want to build the sources, you will need first install all dependences and after intall the grunt client globally:

npm install
sudo install -g grunt-cli

To run the tasks:



Rubens Pinheiro Gonçalves Cavalcante
email: rubenspgcavalcante@gmail.com

License & Rights

Using GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 gnu.org