Grouped Timeout
The grouped timeout allows you to create a set of timeouts that can be cleared all at once. When you add a timeout you have the option of having it cancelled or run immediately when the groupedTimeout is cleared.
Basic Usage
var timeouts = groupedTimeout();
// use timeouts.add() just like you would setTimeout.
var timeoutId = timeouts.add(function () {
console.log('I will run after one second unless the timeout is cleared.');
}, 1000);
// use timeouts.always() if you want to be guaranteed that the function will run.
var timeoutId = timeouts.always(function () {
console.log('I will run after one second or immediately when the timeout is cleared.');
}, 1000);
if (weShouldntContinue) {
// this will cancel the first callback
// and immediately run the second.
groupedTimeout.add(callback, delay)
- Adds a setTimeout. Returns the ID of the timeout as provided by setTimeout. -
groupedTimeout.always(callback, delay)
- adds a timeout that will be run immeadiately ifclearAll()
is called. -
- clears any pending timeouts and runs any callbacks added withalways
. -
- runs clearTimeout. -
- runs clearTimeout and removes the always from the pending list.