GS - Semantic Grid System v0.5.1
Flexible and easy-to-use gridsystem for SASS.
Check all examples in
About this project
GS is a simple and flexible css grid-system that runs over SASS. It only does calculations around the grid-system rules, has the hability to create multiple grids and leave the box-modeling techniques to the developer. It was designed to be easy to use, focused on the advertisement agencies reality.
Until GS 0.5.0
it was compatible from 3.2 ~ 3.3.
GS 0.5.1
is compatible with 3.3+.
How to use
The idea of this gridsystem is to give the necessary flexibility to the developer. There's basically 2 steps using GS:
Registering grids
Each grid has a label a total width, column numbers, gutter, break point (for responsive implementations) and column width. Not all parameters are required:
@include gs-register-grid($label, $width, $column-num, $gutter, $break-point:auto, $column:null);
By default, $column
is calculated automatically based on $width
, $column-num
and $gutter
. So, by doing this:
@include gs-register-grid(
$label: "site-normal",
$width: 974px,
$column-num: 12,
$gutter: 10px);
It'll generate a grid with 12 columns of 72px each and 10px of gutter.
If your implementation is based on column width, the following implementation is accepted as well:
@include gs-register-grid(
$label: "site-wide",
$width: auto,
$column-num: 12,
$gutter: 10px,
$column: 90px);
It'll generate a grid of 1190px with 12 columns and 10px of gutter.
You can add many grids as you find necessary (specially when lay-outs doesn't match the main grid).
Using grids
There are some functions and mixins available for applying the grids:
gs-column function
@function gs-column($n:1, $grid:FIRST_REGISTERED_GRID, $extra:0)
This function receives the number of columns, grid and an extra value, if necessary. The box-model technique stays with the developer: If you prefer a float
for some situation, inline-block
, table-cell
, etc:
.my-class {
width: gs-column(all); // will write full-size value for the first registered grid
.nav-holver {
float: left;
width: gs-column(); // will write the value of 1 column for the first registered grid
.content-holder {
overflow: hidden;
Extra values can be applied to the column as the 3rd parameter:
width: gs-column(1, site-normal, 20px); // will write 1 column + 20px
Extra values just work for fixed-sized columns, fluid columns ignore this parameter.
A fractionated value can be passed to gs-column
. Something like:
width: gs-column(1 + 1/3, site-normal); // will get 1 column + gutter + 1/3
Obviously, the example above should be used when the columns of defined on the grid are divisible by 3.
gs-gutter function
@function gs-gutter($n:1, $grid:FIRST_REGISTERED_GRID)
This function receives the number of "gutters" (gutter * n) and the grid value:
.nav-holver {
float: left;
width: gs-column();
margin-right: gs-gutter(); // you can use gutter whetever is better for you, as margin, padding, etc.
.content-holder {
overflow: hidden;
gs-row mixin
@mixin gs-row($width:auto, $grid:FIRST_REGISTERED_GRID)
This mixin is usually used on lists. It can receive a width
and grid
.some-list {
@include gs-row(); // will apply a negative margin-left with gutter value;
li {
width: gs-column();
margin-left: gs-gutter();
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
Defining the current grid
All functions has a $grid
parameter that is related to the label defined when registering a grid. Based on the last example, there's how to use another grid units for the implementation:
@include gs-register-grid(
$label: "site-normal",
$width: 930px,
$column-num: 10,
$gutter: 10px);
.some-list {
@include gs-row($grid: "site-normal");
li {
width: gs-column(1, "site-normal");
margin-left: gs-gutter(1, "site-normal");
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
Important! If you ommit the $grid
parameter, the first registered gridsystem will be used.
gs-media-query mixin
@mixin gs-media-query($label:FIRST_REGISTERED_GRID, $grid:screen, $type:"max-width")
This mixin can be used if you use sass media-query (inside the same css). It's just a simple wrapper just to place the media-query based on the registered data:
.some-list {
@include gs-row();
li {
width: gs-column();
margin-left: gs-gutter();
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
@include gs-media-query("site-normal") {
@include gs-row($grid: "site-normal");
li {
width: gs-column(1, "site-normal");
margin-left: gs-gutter(1, "site-normal");
Note that the $grid
parameter must be used on all calls. That's a SASS limitation regarding scopes. Also, remember that @extend
can't be used inside media-queries calls.
gs-classes mixin for non-semantic implementation
@mixin gs-classes($grid, $prefix, $push:true, $float:true)
This mixin will generate classes based on $grid
and will apply the $prefix
as prefix of the classname:
@include gs-classes(site-normal, sn-);
// will generate .sn-col-1, .sn-col-2 ... .sn-col-12;
// will generate .sn-push-next-1, .sn-push-next-2 ... .sn-push-next-12;
// will generate .sn-push-prev-1, .sn-push-prev-2 ... .sn-push-prev-12;
// will generate .sn-row;
This can be useful for server-dise dynamic class definition or forms, for example. By default they will consider a float-based box modelling. It's possible to ignore it by setting $float:false
. The same with push-next
or push-prev
variations. If it's not needed for the implementation, just set $push:false
gs-clear-grid-list mixin
@mixin gs-clear-grid-list();
Used to remove all registered grids.
- Better row mixin;
- Update the registering object to SASS map;