
hallo editor plugin

hallo, colorpicker
bower install hallo-simplecolorpicker-plugin


jquery-simplecolorpicker plugin for Hallo Editor

Hallo was written by Henri Bergius jquery-simplecolorpicker was written by Tanguy Krotoff

This plugin just works as an adapter for hallo so you can use the simplecolorpicker in it.


Obvious the Hallo Editor and the jquery-simplecolorpicker as since they need jquery and jquery-ui you need to add them too.

Using the Plugin

You need jQuery and jQuery UI loaded. An easy way to do this is to use Google's JS service:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.18/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

Then include Hallo and the jquery-simplecolorpicker themselves

<script src="/path/to/your/hallo.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/your/jquery.simplecolorpicker.css">
<script src="/path/to/your/jquery.simplecolorpicker.js"></script>

Finally this plugin itself:

<script src="hallo-simplecolorpicker-plugin.js"></script>

Using the Plugin is easy, just add the plugin into your hallo plugin:

    plugins: {
        'hallosimplecolorpicker' : {}

This example would enable the default colors.


The Plugin provides some options you can override:

  • colors: the colors you want to configure the simplecolorpicker to work on.
  • simplecolorpicker: the options for the simplecolorpicker jquery plugin which are passed through. See the plugins README for more information

The colors option uses an Option for the configuration where the key is the hex value and the value is the label for the select options.

    colors: {
        "#7bd148": "Green",
        "#5484ed": "Bold blue",
        "#a4bdfc": "Blue",
        "#46d6db": "Turquoise",
        "#7ae7bf": "Light green",
        "#51b749": "Bold green",
        "#fbd75b": "Yellow",
        "#ffb878": "Orange",
        "#ff887c": "Red",
        "#dc2127": "Bold red",
        "#dbadff": "Purple",
        "#e1e1e1": "Gray",
        "#000000": "Black"


Hallo is free software available under the MIT license.