
"Simple JS file which prints hello world. Intended for testing new project initializations and package management/dependency resolution."

test, hello, hello-world, hello world
bower install hello-world


Hello World

Extremely powerful javascript function which says 'hello' to the entire world!

I was playing around with the 6 or so package managers for Javascript and I was surprised to find that there was no hello world on NPM, so I wrote this one.

Hello.js will also return "hello world" to the console and return "hell world" via self-executing function.

If hello.js detects a document object it will append <h1 id='hello'>hello world</h1> to the body, change the title to "hello world", and add the global var document.hello to the body which contains "hello world".

As a bonus, $() will return #hello and $('#id'), $('.class'), $('element') all work as expected.

I couldn't think of any other possible features.


To install qUnit to run the test files cd into bower_components/hello-world and run bower install.