
A backend using Mickeal's request module for http-request-umd

HTTP, request, ajax, xhr, umd
bower install hru-backend-mikeal.request



NPM version Dependency Status Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


A backend for http-request-umd, which performs HTTP requests using Mikeal's request. This backend is compatible with http-request-umd >= 1.1.0 .

This backend can be used as Node.js module. At the moment (version 1.0.0), it is not ready for browser usage, but it may be made compatible soon, probably thanks to a solution like Browserify and/or the "browserified" port of Mikeal's request module.

Installation for production

with Node.js

hru-backend-mikeal.request is available on NPM NPM.

NPM version

You can install it with the following command:

npm install hru-backend-mikeal.request

Browser globals and AMD

hru-backend-mikeal.request is available on Bower Bower.

Bower version

To install it from Bower, just run

bower install hru-backend-mikeal.request

Note that published versions on both NPM and Bower should stay in sync.

Installation for development

You also can download the whole project (and build it from its source; see below).

Either use git clone command to get it:

git clone

Or download the latest version of the whole project.

Then, get the dependencies of the project from both Bower and NPM:

npm install
bower install


You can find fully functional examples, tests and a documentation in the JSDoc format in the docs folder.

You can also browse these documents and tests online:

Build from source

First, see "Installation for development" above. Do not forget to get the dependencies!

Then, you also need to install Gulp globally to build the project.

npm install -g gulp

See more at the "Getting started with Gulp" page.

Once you got the dependencies and installed Gulp globally, to get info about the package from the command line, just run:

gulp info

You are now ready to build!

The source is located in the "src" folder; the built target is located in the "dist" folder.

To build, just run:

gulp build


Note that you need a few more dependencies to test the project.

See the tests page for more info

To test, you can use either the npm test command or the gulp test command:

npm test


gulp test

Serve and livereload

You can also use the serve task to load the test/ HTML pages in your browser.

gulp serve

Once it has loaded the page in the browser, this task watches for any modification in the source. If changes happen in the source, the task automatically reloads the page in the browser (livereload).

Build the docs and Github pages

Please note that this task has a few more dependencies:

Check the build-docs page for more info.


See the credits page to see more.


This piece of code is triple-licensed: MIT / BSD / GPL licenses

You can also view it in a re-formatted fashion: MIT / BSD / GPL licenses.

Initial author

T1st3 T1st3