jQuery Activity Timer Plugin
This is Plugin is inspired and influenced by the "jQuery Idle Timer Plugin". however it takes a different approach in the implementation of a solution for the problem.
The original solution uses a an approach where all the methods and properties on the idle timer plugin is accessed through the $.fn.idleTimer
plugin function see usage. While activity timer plugin only uses the $.fn.activity
function to setup or destroy the activity timer(s), and still allow to chain functions after calling the $.fn.activity
The activity timer plugin also exposes an ActivityTimer
object available trough $(element).data('activityTimer')
for the element
that $(element).activity(props)
was called with. This activityTimer
object is where the main difference lies since one would use this object to pause/stop/start
the timer or access the properties such as elapsedTime
, remainingTime
If you want to use this more experimental implementation you are welcome, otherwise i would recommend to stick with the jQuery Idle Timer Plugin", which is the original implementation and more maintained.
Either download the latest version here. Or install it using bower i.e.
$ bower install --save jquery-activity-timer
The API describes the ActivityTimer type and the jQuery plugin interface
jQuery Plugin
Setup activity for either an element or selector.
1. $(element|selector).activity() // use default options
2. $(element|selector).activity(delay), // specify timeout delay
3. $(element|selector).activity(delay, // specify timeout delay and options
4. $(element|selector).activity(options) // specify using options only
The delay is a number in ms before the idle event should trigger. The following options can be specified:
// starts a timeout as soon as the timer is set up
startImmediately: true,
// the amount of time (ms) before the user is considered idle
delay: 5000,
// activity is one of these events
events: 'keydown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel ' +
'mousemove mousedown touchstart touchmove' +
'MSPointerDown MSPointerMove'
The values specified are the default values.
Bind to the activity events
// listen to the activity idle event
$(element|selector).on('activity.idle, function (event, activityTimer) {
console.log("element has gone idle", activityTimer.idle);
// listen to the activity active event
$(element|selector).on('activity.active, function (event, activityTimer) {
console.log("element is active again", activityTimer.active);
The event parameter is an instance of jQuery.Event. While the activityTimer parameter is an instance of ActivityTimer.
NOTE: if you bind an listener to both the document and another element at the same time, make sure to stop propagation of the event. The same is true if you are adding activity timer to elements that already have parent element that has an activity timer i.e.
$(document).on("activity.idle", function (event, activityTimer) {
// ...
$("#id").on("activity.idle", function (event, activityTimer) {
if (event) {
event.stopPropagation(); // otherwise it would bubble up to the document listener above.
Access the activityTimer object
Destroy the activity timer.
Will stop and destroy the activity time for the given element and/or selector if there is an activityTimer assigned to it.
Document wrapper function
$.activity(delay, options)
The $.activity
function automatically wraps and call $.fn.activity
function with the given arguments.
This ActivityTimer Prototype is not directly available through the window, but only as activityTimer object that have been setup and bound to an element via $.fn.activity
function. To access the activityTimer
for an element use the $.fn.data
function i.e.:
var activityTimer = $(element|selector).data("activityTimer")
delay:Number - The amount of the ms before the idle event should be triggered (read/write)
active:Bool - Inidicates wether the object is active (read only)
idle:Bool - Inidicates wether the object is idle (read only)
running:Bool - Inidicates wether the object is running (read only)
paused:Bool - Inidicates wether the object is paused (read only)
start():Void - Will start the timer unless it already is already running.
pause():Void - Will pause the timer, and store the remainingTime for when the timer resumes.
Use the start method to resume an paused timer.
stop():Void - Will stop the timer.
Use the start method to start an stopped timer.
destroy():Void - Will stop and destroy and remove all references the object is holding onto making it available for gc.
Trying to use an activityTimer where the `destroy` method has been called will result into errors.
getElapsedTime():Number - Returns the time in ms since the last activity
getRemainingTime():Number - Returns the time before the next idle event is to be triggered,
unless there is activity which will reset the remainingTime.
v 0.0.8
- Events renamed to match Documentation. -
v 0.0.5
- Documentation;activityTimer.active
property. -
v 0.0.4
- Initial Release