A jQuery plugin that adds Facebook Javascript SDK asynchronously.
To initialize:
$(document).fb.init ({
appId : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', // your app id
version : 'v2.1', // version of Facebook SDK
scope : 'email', // the data you need access to
autocheck : true, // autocheck login on init()
status : true, // optional. default is true
xfbml : true, // optional. default is true
preInitCallback : function () {
// Optional. Fires before FB.init() is called
postInitCallback : function () {
// Optional. Fires after FB.init() is called
loginSuccessCallback : function(response) {
// Optional. MUST provide this here or while using the .login() or .checkLoginStatus() function.
// You can pass a login success handler in the $(document).fb.login() method as well
loginFailCallback : function(response) {
// Optional
// You can pass a login fail handler in the $(document).fb.login() method as well
logoutCallback : function(response) {
// Optional
// You can pass a logout handler in the $(document).fb.logout() method as well
To Login a user:
$(document).fb.login (
function (response) {
// Optional only if you have set login success handler in $(document).fb.init() method.
// Here you can override the loginSuccessCallback set during $(document).fb.init() method
function (response) {
// Optional
// Here you can override the loginSuccessCallback set during $(document).fb.init() method
To Logout a user:
$(document).fb.logout (
// Optional callback function
// Here you can override the logout callback set durin $(document).fb.init() method
function (response) {
// logout callback
To fetch user information:
path: '/me',
method: 'get', // default is get. Can use post, delete
params: { fields: 'last_name' } // parameters to pass to Graph API call
function(response) {
// success callback
function(response) {
// failure callback