This plugin will create an icon for your links using jquery, fontawesome
You can install the plugin using bower!
bower install jquery-iconfiy
HTML <a href = "http://facebook.com" id="facebook"></a>
jQuery $('#facebook').iconify();
That's all!
By default the plugin will use the id attribute to generate icon.
Check out fontawesome for list of supported icons. Just use the string after fa- to use in plugin.
Some more examples:
<a href="#" id="twitter"></a>
<a href="#" id="linkedin"></a>
<a href="#" id="google-plus"></a>
<a href="#" id="github"></a>
Advanced configuration:
color: "purple", // default: "red"
hoverColor: "red", // default: "blue"
size: "32", // default: "28"
animate: true, // default: true
animateMultiplier: 1.5 // default: 1.5