See ZeroClipboard for details about the underlying mechanism.
This is a jQuery plugin that makes the ZeroClipboard library more conveniently available.
Simple Example
$(function {
moviePath: '/path/to/ZeroClipboard.swf',
activeClass: 'active',
hoverClass: 'hover'
// To glue a button
dataRequested: function (event, setText) {
// In order to dynamically set the text to copy to the clipboard
// at the time the mouse clicks the button
// NOTE: this function is called within the execution context of the flash movie,
// therefore any exception might be silently ignored.
// NOTE 2: the function "setText" should be called during the execution of this
// callback otherwise the text copied on the clipboard will not be correct.
// Therefore any AJAX call should be configured to be SYNCHRONOUS
complete: function () {
// Do something after the text has been copied to the system clipboard
// (like notifying the user)
Credits and similar work
zClip is a similar plugin but it embeds an older version of ZeroClipboard and seems to be not maintained anymore.