
A jQuery plugin that copies position and size of an element to another.

copycat, position, size, imitate, css3
bower install jquery.copycat



A jQuery plugin that copies position and size of an element to another.
Respondes to resize and scroll events in order to keep it updated.


.copycat(target, [options])

Makes an element looks like target.

Available options:

  • scroll: scroll element to listen for scroll events (defaults to window)
  • handleResize: true to handle resize, false otherwise (defaults to true)
  • subtractScroll: true to subtract scroll offsets, false otherwise (defaults to null which means automatic)
  • update: true to automatically call .copycat('update') right away, false otherwise (defaults to true)

Note that if you call this function with different targets, the previous instances will be destroyed.
Once initialized, you can't change the options.



Manually updates element.


.copycat('destroy', [keepPosition])

Destroy copycat instance, releasing all events and clearing element position.
If you wish to keep the position set by copycat, pass keepPosition as true.


How to use

Simply include the jquery.copycat.js file after jQuery is loaded.
This plugin also integrates with AMD (no shim required) and CommonJS.

This plugin only works in modern browsers, that is IE >= 9.


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