
Some utility functions for jQuery

bower install jquery.func



Some utility functions for jQuery


bower install jquery.func


Everything needed to run the tests are in this repository.

git clone git@github.com:Becojo/jquery.func.git
cd jquery.func/test
open SpecRunner.html

Jasmine is released under the MIT license.

See test/lib/jasmine-1.3.1/MIT.LICENSE.


$.fn.reverse() → jQuery object

Props to Michael Geary for this functions. It reverses the elements of a jQuery object.

$([1,2,3]).reverse(); // [3,2,1]

Note: It modifies the object and does not create a new one.

var a = $([1,2,3]);
a == a.reverse() // this is true
a == $(a).reverse() // this is false

$.fn.all(iterator) → Boolean

Returns true if all of the elements in the jQuery object pass the iterator truth test.

Example: Determining if all number in the given list are even.

var even = function() { return this % 2 == 0 };
$([1,2,3,4]).all(even); // false;
$([2,4,6,8]).all(even); // true;

Note: If any of the elements does not pass the truth test, the function quits immediately and returns false. In order words, the function should not cause side effects.

$.fn.any(iterator) → Boolean

Returns true if any of the elements contained in the jQuery object pass the iterator truth test.

Example: determining if any number in the given list is even.

$([1,3,5,7,8]).any(even); // true

Note: On the first element that passes the truth test, the function quits immediately and returns true. In order words, the function should not cause side effects.

$.fn.intercept(interceptor) → jQuery object

Invokes the interceptor with the current jQuery object and returns the same object (similar to Object#tap in Ruby).

Example: console.log the value of the jQuery object in a chain.

var log = function(e){ 


Note: The object can be modified in the interceptor.

$.method(name, [args, …]) → Function

Returns a closure of the jQuery function named name with the arguments args.

Example: Fixing $.fn.is which only checks the first element.

var blinking = $.method("is", "div.blinking");

if($("header > *").any(blinking)) {
	// ...

if($("footer > *").all(blinking)) {
	// ...

$.fn.invoke(name, [args, ...]) → jQuery object

Returns a new jQuery object where the jQuery function named name has been applied to every elements.

Example: Creating an array containing the value of an attribute.

$("div").invoke("attr", "id");

// is the same as 

var getId = $.method("attr", "id");

$.fn.reduce(iterator, seed) → Object

Allows to reduce a list into a single value.

Example: Finding the biggest element in a list

$([1, 2, 3]).reduce(function(biggest, value) {
	return value > biggest ? value : biggest;


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