A jQuery plugin for the Rdio Web Playback API
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Rdio Web Playback jQuery plugin, version 0.1 This is a pretty simple plugin to provide a jQuery interface to Rdio's Web Playback API <http://developer.rdio.com/docs/read/Web_Playback_API> It includes and uses SWFObject <http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/> to hide much of the complexity of cross-browser Flash embedding. To use jquery.rdio.js in your web app include jQuery and either jquery.rdio.min.js or jquery.rdio.js in your HTML. Add a placeholder <div> that the API swf will be embedded in. Call $('#placeholder').rdio('playbackToken') to embed the swf. Then call $('#placeholder').rdio().method() to call playback API methods. They're exactly the same as are documented in the playback API docs but without the "rdio_" prefix. For example $('#placeholder').rdio().play('a171827'); Callbacks are exposed as jQuery events in the 'rdio' namespace that are triggered on the placeholder element. So to get called when the API is ready use: $('#placeholder').bind('ready.rdio', function(e) { ... }); Callback arguments are mapped to jQuery event handler arguments like: $('#placeholder').bind('playStateChanged', function (e, playState) { ... }); There's an example for all of this in the example/ directory. To use this plugin you'll need to get a playbackToken through the Rdio Web Service API: http://developer.rdio.com/docs/read/rest/Methods#getPlaybackToken jquery.rdio.js and swfobject.js are MIT licensed: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php