This library implements an algorithm that is suitable for autocompletion.
The kindalike
function takes a search string and an array of subject strings to search in:
Also see: - a thread about Levenshtein Automata and links to Duck Duck Go's super fast autocomplete.
TODO: This is kind of similar: - let's see if it's better/faster!! HN discussion - is this faster?
new RegExp(query.split("").join("(.+)?")).test(text)
Some benchmarking might be needed
var query = somethingTheUserTypes();
var subjects = someArrayOfStrings();
// matches is an Array where each element is an object
// with properties subject, indices and gaps
var matches = kindalike(query, subjects);
Each match
is an object like so:
{ subject: 'horse', indices: [1, 4], gaps: 2 }
The subject
property is the matched subject.
The indices
property is an array of int, each representing the index in the subject
where a query character is found. In the example above the query string was oe
, and
each of those letters were found at indices [1, 4]
The gaps
property is a number indicating how many gaps there are between letters from the
query string. In this case there was a gap of 2
- between index 1
and 4
The matches are sorted by the gaps
property, ranking matches with small gaps higher. Subjects that don't
match all the characters in the query are excluded.
Each match
can be turned into string with <span>
elements around each matched character:
var html = kindalike.spans({ subject: 'horse', indices: [1, 4], gaps: 2 })
By styling the <span>
element this can be used to highlight the letters from the query.
Just open index.html
in a browser.