
A base object and scaffolding generator for event driven JavaScript components.

bower install komponent



A base for event driven JavaScript components.

Author: Gvn Lazar Suntop

Yeoman Generator

To easily create new Komponents, install the generator:

npm install -g generator-komponent


Komponent is available via the Bower package manager:

bower install komponent -S

The -S flag will indicate Komponent as a dependency in your bower.json

Typical Usage

If you're not using a module loader then include komponent.min.js in your project. Otherwise, include it according to your loader's specification. Komponent supports both AMD and CommonJS via the [UMD pattern](TODO: INCLUDE LINK).

Run yo komponent to interactively create a new component via the command line. Your new component will inherit an event API from Komponent and have a starter scaffolding.

Add calls to the fire method wherever you want subscribable custom events. You can optionally pass event metadata to the callback function with an object literal.

Widget.prototype.show = function () {
    this.fire('show', { visibleItems: 3 });

You can now subscribe an external callback function, which will run after the component fires the named event.

var myWidget = new Widget();

myWidget.on('show', function (event) {
    alert('myWidget is showing ' + event.visibleItems + ' items');

Komponent Mixin

Alternatively, you can use Komponent's event methods on existing objects as a mixin.

Komponent has a utility method, mix, for accomplishing this.

var existingObject = {};


Note that you can access Komponent's event module by referencing Komponent.mixin if you want to use your own mixin methodology.

Event API

on ( eventType: string, callback: function )

Bind a callback function to a named event type.

Returns a numerical ID for the handler, which can later be used with off.

off ( eventType: string, id: number - optional )

Unbind callbacks for given event type. All callbacks of given type will be removed if no ID is provided.

once ( eventType: string, callback: function )

Register a callback that will be removed after it fires once.

fire ( eventType: string, eventData: object - optional )

Fires callbacks registered for given event type with optional event metadata.