Lemonade Kit
This is my gulp-ready-compass-free-website-starter-kit based on html5Boilerplate and experience ;)
- HumansTxT file
- New folder structure
- Gulp dependencies
- JS/CSS files
- EU cookie law
HumansTxT file
Didn't anyboby tell you about the Humantxt project?
It's an initiative for knowing the people behind a website. It's a TXT file that contains information about the different people who have contributed to building the website.
Why a TXT?
Because it's something simple and fast to create. Because it's not intrusive with the code. More often than not, the owners of the site don't like the authors signing it; they claim that doing so may make the site less efficient. By adding a txt file, you can prove your authorship (not your property) in an external, fast, easy and accessible way.
New folder structure
Whith this new project structure the "deploy" task is no longer needed :) Yay!
|- _root
| |- assets
| | |- css
| | | `- layout
| | | `- 2015
| | `- js
| | `- vendor
| `-incl
`- _source
|- js
| `- plugins
`- scss
Gulp dependencies
- del: ~1.1.0
- gulp: ~3.8.10
- gulp-autoprefixer: ~2.1.0
- gulp-concat: ~2.4.3
- gulp-livereload: ~3.5.0
- gulp-minify-css: ~0.4.2
- gulp-notify: ~2.1.0
- gulp-plumber: ~0.6.6
- gulp-rename: ~1.2.0
- gulp-replace: ~0.5.2
- gulp-ruby-sass: ~1.0.1
- gulp-uglify: ~1.1.0
- gulp-util: ~3.0.2
- gulp-combine-mq: ~0.3.1
JS/CSS files
- Main javascript is minified into
. The not-minimized file is included too (you know, just in case). - All jQuery plugins inside the plugins folder are concatenated (not minified) into
Item | Version | Downloaded from |
Normalize | v3.0.1 | http://www.initializr.com/ |
JQUERY | v1.11.1 | http://www.initializr.com/ |
Modernizr | v2.8.3 | http://www.initializr.com/ |
Respond | v1.4.0 | http://www.initializr.com/ |
Width_snitch | v1 | https://github.com/oneeyedman/Width-Snitch/ |
Placeholder.js | v2.0.8 | http://mths.be/placeholder |
jQuery Cookie Plugin | v1.4.0 | https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie |
EU cookie law
This starter kit is now ready to comply with the European cookie law
- Tracking system: Google Analytics