
A minimalist workflow for designing responsive pages with Less

less, workflow, responsive, grids, typography
bower install lesser



A minimalist workflow for designing responsive pages with Less.


Lesser provides a minimal workflow built on Less, including a small subset of the world's most popular responsive toolkit. Instead of pre-loading all of Bootstrap's CSS components, lesser includes the essential elements: grid, typography, and powerful mixins, leaving the rest out of your way. Optimized for Responsive Typography, Lesser also comes preloaded with the following plugins:


Install lesser

 bower install lesser

Run examples in this rep:

npm start

Preview the site at http://localhost:9000.


Responsive Design is 99% grids, typography, and color theory.

Start with an example index.html with a default grid. Organize styles in less into three files: colors.less, typography.less, grids.less.

Developers may be familiar with this structure from writing code in other languages. Hopefully, designers can bring some order into writing less code with Lesser: by keeping related functionality together in one file, global variables and mixins can be avoided. Instead of relying on arbitrary class/id and selector inheritance that bloat stylesheets, design with grids -> typography -> colors.

Status & Roadmap

v0.3.x, early development.

Further Reading

Copyright & License

Copyright 2015, Priyatam Mudivarti

Licensed under MIT.