
Core library for the Mockup front end library

bower install mockup-core


Mockup Core is a collection of script which are needed to start Mockup based project.

Inside you will find

  • a patterns registry which is used to register and initialize patterns.
  • a base pattern which you use as a starting point to create new patterns.
  • a documentation application which helps you document your patterns.
  • a yo generator to quickly start your project (this is currently being developed).

Install & Run Tests

Install Node version 0.10 or greater

Install using package manager, e.g. apt or yum

Install without using package manager

Install PhantomJS

Download and install PhantomJS

Maybe use your package manager:

$ apt-get install phantomjs

Now git clone & build Mockup:

$ git clone
$ cd mockup-core
$ make bootstrap

Run tests with PhantomJS:

$ make test

Run tests with Chrome:

$ make test-dev

Report Issues

All issues about Mockup related projects are tracked at:


The BSD 3-Clause License. Copyrights hold the Plone Foundation. See LICENSE.rst for details.


Originally created by Rok Garbas using parts of Patterns library. Now maintained by the Plone Foundation.

Status of builds

Travis CI Coveralls Selenium Test Status Selenium Tests Matrix