
This package is just a test.

test, package, bower
bower install my-bower-package



This GitHub repository contains a Bower package that I created in order to learn how to create public packages with Bower.


Please note that the repository's content has also been registered on SourceForge in order to illustrate the use of SVN to keep packages’ contents. See

However, it turns out that, for the time being, it is not possible to register an SVN package on Heroku. I don’t know why it should not be possible. I found, however, links to this question :

The creation of a public package is pretty straightforward. Assuming that you have a bunch of files – grouped under a directory – that you want to package.

  • You create a JSON file called « bower.json » within the directory that contains all the files you want to package. This file represents the package’s specification.
  • You create a repository on GitHub that will contain the source of your package.
  • You push all the packages’ files to the GitHub repository.
  • You create a Git tag that will be used to reference all the files within a given version of the package. Make sure that this tag and the value of the property « version », within the package’s specification file « bower.json », are identical.
  • Make sure that you committed and pushed the package’s specification file « bower.json ». It’s easy to forget that part.
  • Push the newly created tag. It’s easy to forget that part, since tags are not pushed with the files.
  • Then you can register the package on Heroku.

Create a tag: git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "This is the version 1.0.0"

Delete a tag on your local copy of the repository: git tag -d 1.0.0

Push a tag: push -u origin master 1.0.0

Delete a tag on the remote repository: git push origin --delete 1.0.0

List all tags on your local copy of the repository: git tag

List all tags on the remote repository: git ls-remote --tags

Get the origin of the repository: git config --get remote.origin.url

Register the package on Heroku: bower register my-bower-package git://

Install the package: bower install my-bower-package