
A boilerplate for Node.js REST API. Includes initial support for users, sessions, login, and logout.

rest, restful, api, http, node, node.js, express, passport
bower install nem-boilerplate


#Node Express Mongoose Boilerplate

##REST API Boilerplate v0.0.2

This repo is a boilerplate for creating new RESTful APIs with Node.js. Out of the box, the API offers user authentication by username and password. Some endpoints are protected and require user authentication. Create a new user, login, and begin making requests. Users are saved in MongoDB using Mongoose. Authorization is provided by Passport. Sessions are created with express-session.

Authors: Steve Belovarich


  • node
  • npm
  • gulp
  • mongodb database


NOTE: If you do not have npm or gulp you will need to install them globally.

brew install node

npm install --global gulp

  1. Clone the repo into a local folder
  2. cd into project folder
  3. run npm install

###Local Development Environment

server.js depends on a configuration file not included in the repo.

Create config.js in the root folder and add the following content to the file.

var nemConfig = {
  origin: 'localhost',
  originPort: 4444,
  mongo: 'localhost',
  mongoPort: 27017,
  key: 'thesessionkey'

module.exports = nemConfig;

You can use config files like this to deploy the nem server to multiple environments.

To start the express server, run gulp dev or node server in the root folder.

Changes to .js files will update the server and restart it when using gulp.

Here is a simple front end SPA example that uses XMLHttpRequest to login, logout and signup a User.


  • Add user image and image handling example.
  • Create better error reporting for login and signup.
  • Create endpoints for password recovery.
  • Integrate package for emailing notifications to Users.
  • Integrate package for texting notifications to Users.
  • Expand the Strategies used with passport to offer login with Facebook, Twitter, Github, and more.
  • Update gulp tasks to build for multiple environments.
  • Settle on doc solution, probably doxx.
  • Implement tests.