
Icon module for notific8

javascript, notifc8, sass, css
bower install notific8-icon#1.1.0


notific8-icon [DEPRECATED]

Build Status

Deprecated Icon module for the notific8 JavaScript plug-in. The module adds an icon option to the configuration which takes the URL to an icon to display in the notification. Please consider using the image module instead which requires fewer resources and reduces the required load to the browser.

Install with Bower

$ bower install notific8-icon --save

Install with NPM

$ npm install notific8-icon --save

Demo page

An interactive demo page can be found in the root directory. It can be launched by running npm start demo after installing the node modules required for development.

Future Development

This module will no longer be developer. Please use the image module instead which requires fewer resources and reduces the required load to the browser.

Browser support

Currently supported and testing:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari (Mac only)
  • IE 10+
  • Edge

While not tested, this plug-in should work on Opera versions released after the rewrite on the Blink rendering engine.

Browser version support

As a rule of thumb, only the most recent plus one version older of a browser is supported unless marked otherwise. While it may work in IE8 and IE9, notific8 will not be tested or officially supported in legacy browsers such as versions of IE older than 10.


The styles are written in Scss format and available in the src/sass directory. Development will continue in Scss only - please do not open issues or pull requests to change the default style format.


When contributing, create a feature branch from develop. Ensure that all existing tests are still passing. If appropriate, be sure to write new tests. When a pull request is created, ensure that it is requested to go into develop and not master.


The notific8 plug-in is released under the BSD license.

(c) 2013-2016 Will Steinmetz